Saturday, May 29, 2010

The American Race

   The purging of politics from government offices and the return of honesty and ethics are the only salvation for America. It is the solemn responsibility of the individual citizen to vote for men and women of high integrity and moral and ethical character not for what one thinks will illicit favor.
   It is a mind set of human nature to get our individual piece of the pie by hook or by crook. If we Americas all fail to overcome our human nature there will soon be no pie left for anyone, nor the ingredients’ to bake anymore.
   Americans have always been willing in fact eager to give of our own blood on behave of others as well as ourselves but like any body, how much at any given time can be spared is dependant on how much and how fast the body can replenish the supply. If we give too much, the body will die which means the total end of the supply of American blood.
   One of the things that many others of this world we live in don’t understand is that after 234 years of growth and maturing for all practical reasons as a nation our citizens are or have become a race of people (The American Race).
Just like an African, Italian, Mexican, German etc cannot deny their heritage they cannot be honest with themselves and deny they are American. Although they may have pride in their heritage or blood line they would not chose to be anything other than American when push comes to shove.
    Nationality on a world wide scale in the past was for all practical purposes defined by the race of the people that inhabited them. Today it is nationhood that defines race more so than bloodline heritage ever did. This defines the influence of America on the whole world more so than any other social and cultural factors. Those who work so feverously to undo this blending of humanity and return the world to ethnic cabals as nations will only engulf humanity in global war of the most individual and personal nature more bloody and wide spread than any human conflict in the history of man and no one will escape it.
   The only racist we have in America today are non-Americans and as a American I suggest, if they cannot accept that regardless of place of birth or bloodline they are free to go and leave America too the American Race. It is the only race on earth that can be chosen as apposed to an accident of birth.
    The purging of government and racist would be the great American renewal. It is not a matter of time or bloodline that makes one a member of the American race but a frame of mind chosen by our founding fathers to be America’s destiny. 

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