Sunday, December 20, 2009

Word Smiths

   There have always been individuals in society that have what is called “the gift of gab” of which, few speak with comprehension of which they speak. They just string words together, which is in like form, the source of rap music. In no way does the gift of gab offer the value of comprehension to human intercourse or discourse. It all amounts too just a muddle of words quite absent of even the commonsense that is no longer common among many Americans.
   Those with the gift of gab are not all ignorant, so how can someone discriminate between those who are ignorant and those who just lack communication skills. Limited vocabulary by the use of, the repetition of certain words or phrases, the use of slang, dirty or offensive words repeatedly, self or affiliate aggrandizement is likely ignorance. Insufficient details that cause the listener too many questions of clarification, speaking with poor diction, to fast-slow, no pause for effect in delivery may be lack of communication skills.
   There is an old adage that children should be seen not heard. The reasoning behind that old adage is; you don’t make noise just for the sake of making noise which is generally the way of children.
   In today’s America the making of noise just for its own sake, has become and considered to be an art form, developed and practiced in a professional manner by; all politicians, most legal eagles, most bureaucrats’, the arrogant elite and all those with a socialist bent. And American academia specializes in the teaching of this same said art form. It’s better known as the dumbing-down of America, which gives question as to purpose.
   Any American today that cannot draw the obvious conclusion as to the purpose for this dumbing-down effort is lost too the rest of us that comprehend, and they most likely will suffer our wrath also in our opposition to socialism, and return to our original republican standards as laid out in our founding documents.
 "It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth -- and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. ... Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not?" --Patrick Henry

  Our choices are clear verses life or death, freedom or slavery, American or world government there is no middle ground!!

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